Witchy Fiction Bookclub


The Witchy Fiction bookclub starts “Unholy Ghosts” by Stacia Kane on the 17th!

To join the fun..:
•open a free account at Goodreads.com
•search for “Witchy Fiction” in group reads
•read 📖

Witchy Fiction bookclub

The Witchy Fiction bookclub just finished The Witches Of New York by Ami McKay- intriguing, dark and yet totally heart-warming 🖤 We’re on to Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini. Join in the fun at goodreads.com.Group name- Witchy Fiction.


Witchy Fiction book club

The Witchy Fiction reading group (on Goodreads) just finished #practicalmagic by @ahoffmanwriter. Such a joy! Now for the movie 🖤 Join us for #thewitchesofnewyork by #amimckay starting Sunday 9/16. Join on Goodreads. “Most excellent!” – Aunt Jet 🖤